Thursday, September 27, 2018

US is a Pluralist Government

The United States has 3 types of democracy that’s they can be categorized as participatory, pluralist, and elite. Pluralist means that there are groups of people disagreeing and agreeing with opposing groups to get what they want & need. Participatory means that the people have complete control & have direct voting rights. And Elite, which is where the country is divided into social classes and the more wealthier people run the country. Each of these are a piece of the US.

I think this because there are groups of people with similar opinions all over trying to push for what they want to happen in the government. For example some of the biggest groups are republicans and democrats. These groups are made up of people who have similar political opinions."By a faction, I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community"-Federalist #10. Federalist #10 says that factions are groups of people with similar interests and opinions. Madison wrote basically siding with pluralism. They create bargains and deals based on how they want the government to run. The people are basically making the decision.

The U.S. is a pluralist government because opposing factions in the United States. Some faction agree and disagree and want to have a say in a our government. I see small parts of each democracy as a part of the United States government, but I believe the United States relates more to a pluralist democracy.

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