You want to order a hamburger from McDonald's. You have three options on how to order. Option 1, taking 2 hours to choose every single little detail about your hamburger, down to the brand of meat to how you want it processed to which cow you want it from, to what piece of bread you want. Why waste time and effort on a hamburger? Option 2, order what you want and leaving the chef to do the rest. Or option 3, become completely oblivious to what your getting, and possibly obtaining a sandwich you completely dislike. Most people would choose option 2, since its the easier choice for them, and it always them a say in their order. Option 2 represents a Pluralism. A Pluralist democracy allows groups of people to influence political decisions, which allows a lot of people to get a say, and everybody gets their way, in one form or another. Pluralist democracy is the best form of government because it limits power of the government, in a way that still allows people to have a voice.
In a pluralist democracy, both the people and government have power. People can create groups called factions, a group that forms based on common interests. The founding fathers wanted factions, and plenty of them, so one majority faction group would not overpower. In Federalist 10, it said "By faction, I understand a number of citizens... who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community". Factions give people some power, instead of giving it to the government. This makes the people happy, since they get an opinion in politics. In the constitution, it allowed people to vote for their senators, each person has a say. This shows the founding fathers wanted people to be able to have a voice in politics, thus they wanted a Pluralist democracy. The image above shows how everybody in a pluralist democracy is connected in one shape or form. Everybody has power even if it isn't exactly direct. Factions today, such as NRA are people who make sure some amendments in the constitutions are still obeyed. They have a voice in government and politics even though they are not senators, state legislatures or state judges. A community where everybody's opinion matters, is a community I want to live in.
Everybody's opinion matter, especially in a democracy. Nobody should feel left out or overruled, and our founding fathers even wanted a government where everybody had a voice. A pluralist democracy is the best democracy out of the three, elite, direct and pluralist, because it limits government control, and allows citizens to become involved.
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