A Conflictual Government
Each election is a basis for how the citizens feel the government is being run and what change is needed. However, as shown in the “Bad map we see every election” video, when the country is voting, the map isn’t necessarily the best basis. A state such as South Dakota, that has a fairly big surface area on the map, does not mean anything to the election with its 3 electoral votes, especially compared to New York with the 29 votes it has. Further, when looking at the map, it is covered in red, assuming that the “red states” are taking control, but when looking further into the issue, the democrats won the popular vote overwhelmingly. This further proves that even the process of being elected is conflicting, the republicans won, yet the democrats take the popular vote by over 2 million.
Not only is the process of how the president is elected is conflictual, but the definition of each red and blue state individual is conflictual. Brooks goes over the stereotypes of each state. Blue states being very educated, starbucks loving, rich people; and the red states being less educated, walmart loving, poor people. Although this isn’t necessarily all true, the united states is very divided in the sense of social class, and traditionalists. Many people who live in the confederate states, or in the south feel as though the constitution should not be touched and the country is just fine, especially when it comes to protecting guns. Whereas the blue states feel as though there is always room for improvement and the ability for citizens to gain more equality. This separation has a major conflict between the two separate parties, and as time goes on, it only gets worse. In this day and age, with technology, politics is becoming an increasingly bigger topic in society and culture, and it causes much conflict among people. Between the facebook debates, the twitter wars, and old fashionshed debate at family parties, politics is becoming much more prevalent , and with people having a plethora of places to state their opinion, it makes all the issues all the more enhanced. That’s why with each election, whichever party takes the majority is a look into the issues that the country is facing, because the majority party is equal to the majority opinion. Which is why this next election is the biggest in recent history, and is going to be extremely telling.
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