The US political culture is very conflictual. The reason behind this is due to the various different political views, parties, social standings and how they treat each other. As shown in the image above, with the right side elephant representing the Republican party and the left side Barack Obama representing the Democratic party, they show how both parties deal with each other. Both sides will be courteous enough on their separate cliffs and want each other to make the first step towards the middle, which represents the area of agreement between the two parties to compromise on. But what makes this image conflictual is how the bridge of agreement appears. The bridge is tattered, torn, and pieces of the bridge are falling off. This shows how both sides make compromises with each other. They want the opposite side to make the first move to agree on a subject first before they agree. So both sides appear to agree with each other and want to have the opposite side to go first out of respect, they want the other side to go first for that side to fail on their side of the bridge of agreement.

Another piece of evidence that proves that the american culture is conflictual can be found in the article "One nation, Slightly Divisible" by David Brooks. In this article Brooks discusses the differences of the people in red and blue states and how this affects their viewpoints in american political culture In Brooks article part "Crossing the Meatloaf Line", Brook tells the reader the different groups in Montgomery County a blue state and in Franklin County a red state. In Montgomery county. "60% of the population is white, 15% is black, 12% is hispanic, and 11% is asian"(Brooks para 5). While in Franklin county, "95% is white"(Brooks para 5) and the last 5% is black, hispanic, and asian groups. And while this is not accurate for all blue and red states, this is statistically the strong majority on other ethnic groups in blue states are compared to red states lack of diversity in other ethnic groups. This is one of the many reasons for how the US has a Conflictual political culture. This great divide of ethnicity in blue states with the greta lack of ethnicity in red states are what makes the decisions make in the US so complicated and conflictual. With blue states having a greater ethnic divide, the people in them want to make decisions that can benefit every race and religion as well as those decisions not going against any of the ethnic groups values and ideology's. While red states having a majority white population and only small groups of other ethnicities, the people will want decisions to be trafional with their religious values and only help the majority ethnicity and focus only on their needs and wants as an individual not as a whole group. One side wants the decision to benefit the people as a whole while on the other side they want the decisions to benefit individual people. So with these two types of drastically different decision wants this will undoubtedly cause great conflict on the decision making for the nation as a whole.

Lastly, a video called "The Constitutional Compromise" by CrashCourse establishes another way the US is conflictual. Though the events he discusses happened in the past, those events establish how conflictual our nation became at first and how are differences today correlate with them. The event that kicked started the conflictual political culture in the US is ratification of the US constitution and the two groups that were for and against the ratification: the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. These two divided groups were the start of the differences of the people and the things they wanted for the nation. The Federalist's were a group of large landowners, wealthy merchants, and Government officials. They wanted weaker state governments, a strong national government and the nation governed by the elite. The Anti-Federalists on the other hand was a group of small farmers, shopkeepers, and laborers. They wanted stronger state governments, a weak national government, and the nation to be governed by the common people. These two groups wanted very distinct and very different wants for the new constitution and new governments. While the Anti-Federalists wanted a similar ratification to that of the Article of Confederation, the Federalists wanted the ratification to be the complete opposite of the Articles of confederation. This divide between the two groups of various social classes caused a great stir in the nation and caused great conflicts between the states that supported the Federalists and the ones that supported the Anti-Federalists. Though we all know how it all ends with the Federalists beating the Anti-Federalists and getting their new ratification constitution with the compromise of a bill of rights added this divide between the nation can still be compared to the various groups today that divide the US. For instance, Liberals vs Conservatives. Liberals, as shown in the image above, are want the government to focus more on free healthcare, free choice, and for abortion to be the women's choice. Conservatives,as shown in the image above, want the government to focus more on gun regulations, religion, build a wall for immigrants, and "to make america great again". This divide of focus for both parties to have the government focus on and the people to vote for are just one of the many parties in the US that cause more Conflictual events and decision-making for the nation. Similar to the Anti-Federalists vs the Federalists and wanting the people to focus on their sides wants for the government and what the government should be focused on.
These various parties, political view pints, and social standing of the people and how they treat each other, as I said in the beginning, have been proved in the various pieces of evidence in this article and even in the many events going on today with the upcoming election and the topics that they are going to be discussing. Specifically, the various stands on the topics going to be discussed. Like for abortion, Pro-choice vs Pro-life or for Immigration, Deportation of all immigrants or No Deportation for all Immigrants. Regardless, on your view of these topics and what your opinion is on them, everyone can see how the US is too filled with different religion, races, and opinions to ever agree on a subject outright unless each side is given what they want from the subject and can compose on one subject.
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