A question that pops up many times while talking about political culture seems to be, is American political culture consensual or conflictual. While both sides can be proven, it is clear that the answer is conflictual. To start off this country is founded off of a pluralist government. This creates factions within peoples political culture. The whole purpose of the government is to argue with different factions to make compromises. However, sometimes compromises don't happen and nobody is happy in the end. This is mainly because the factions arguing are dominated by two groups, democrat and republican. These groups are completely opposite which is why compromise is slow. In the article, One Nation, Slightly Divisible the different groups are depicted as completely opposite people by describing the Republicans as people who,"live on farms or in small towns". While democrats are people who,"live around big cities on the coast."(Brooks 1) The place you live may not seem like a big difference but it can cause many differences with ones political culture. People who live on farms are more likely to be self reliant by hunting and farming. This leads to people who want guns or hunting tools. Back in the city however, the use of guns isn't needed as much as on a farm. People there can walk to a market and buy whatever they need from their and are more reliant on other people. This leads people to not believe in the importance of guns and affects their political culture that way. This is a prime example of battling beliefs with one another but, there haven't been many compromises with gun usage, just many people screaming at one another to try and get their point across.
Also when Trump officially joined the presidential election, he said that Mexicans are,"Laughing at us," when it comes down to border security. This is also another conflictual case because many people don't agree with Trumps idea with that. There is very rarely a nice, civil debate about this kind of stuff because most people will have an opinion in their head and stick with it no matter what happens. These kind of people will also defend their opinion and will make their point come across as clear as possible even if that means violence. Almost at every political gathering their is a protest whether its confirming a supreme court justice or a presidents inauguration. During these protests there are battling opinions which make it hard for any side to accept the others which sometimes leads into violence.

To finish off, as you can see with the chart, 86% of democrats have an unfavorable impression of the republican party and 41% even say republicans are a threat to the nation. Republicans on the other hand are even more severe. 91% have an unfavorable impression on democrats while 45% think they are a threat to the nation. This kind of distrust and disliking of one another makes almost any kind of consensual agreements extremely hard. This stat shows just how divided American political culture really is. And this Paragraph should show how conflictual the government really is.
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