Sunday, October 21, 2018

Conflictual America

This map shown above is the results from the 2016 election. Before getting into that, let me explain what the red states versus blue states even mean. Our country is mostly split into two very different political parties called the democracts, represented by blue, and the republicans, red. During this presidental election, Hilary Clinton was running for the democracts and Donald Trump was running for the republican side. So, the map shows which state as a whole voted for which candiate. This is just one clear example of how America is more os a conflictual country than consentual. To decide our president, people have to choose between two very different people.

Being a conflictual country means that the country is very split on many issiues and it also means that the citizens like to group themsleves into two major groups. Most people become very closed minded once they decide the group they fall into and many sterotypes form.  David Brooks wrote an article titled "One Nation, Slightly Divisble" in which he describes the differences between a democrat and republican. He claimed that republicans are "racist and homophobic" and democrats are "modern, secular, self-expressive and discomforted by blantant displays of patriotism". Some reubplicans might take offense ot being called racist and homophobic and Brooks clearly had a democratic bias when writing the article. This shows how, when people fall into groups, they ted to become close-minded and not care what the other side has to say. To Brooks and some other democrats, they may really think that republicans are racist. But, Republicans may disagree. Everything has two or more sides. All political issiues do and all disagrements do. People just have the tendancy to congregate and group with others that have the same opinions as them, and thats how political parties are formed.

In the video, "Donald Trump's Victory Speech", Trump says that "now its time for America to bind the wounds of division". He means that during the race for presidency, Americans split, more than ever. They chose a side and stuck to it and did not listen to the other side and still may not. The President was saying that he wants the nation united now. But, being divided is something that will always be a facor of the United States.  People have opinions and people will have arguments. Having conflicts and division is just a normal part of American government. Even the founding fathers wanted the country to be split because thats the only way a large republc could work. If people argued, there would be compromise and soulutions will be made.

So, America is conflictual and there is no way to change it without taking away freedom. Liberty is one of the elements in american culture and the most important one. Without it, Ccitizens would not have the right to speak freely or vote or do many things that they want to. But liberty also come with disagrements and conflicts which is the foundation of America's government.

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