Sunday, October 21, 2018

America is Conflictual

In the United States, there are many different people who live here with many of them disagreeing  on at least one political topic. Because of this America is very conflictual. One of the main topics for disagreement is the President, Donald Trump. It makes sense, the democrats don't like a republican in the White House. An example of all this is the many protesters during Trump's inauguration, Thousand of Trump supporters as well as protester demonstrated peacefully along the National mall, but police said officers outfitted in riot gear deployed pepper spray and crowd control munitions to disperse a small faction of protesters who engaged in violent skirmishes outside the parades security Perimeter"(The Washington Times). These people where protesting because they disagreed with Trumps views, that alone is a lot to prove how much conflict there is in America.

Another thing that proves how conflicted America is are the many different styles of maps. The maps that show which states are republican and which are democrat. Most of these maps are very misleading and don't make much sense because of the lack of data, it is commonly just states colored in red or blue. Video 1, by Vox explains this very well when the narrator says how even though a state may have voted for a certain candidate, it doesn't show how useful that state actually is, an example being Montana, although it is a red state, it only has three electoral votes, even though it appears that it is worth much more. But, there have been newer deigns of these maps where the states are distorted to show how much that state matters or split the states apart and separate them like the one shown below. 

To sum everything up, America is more conflictual than consensual because of the many different opinions that exist in the country. 

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