American political culture is more conflictual than it use to be. In the 20th for the presidential election there were around 20 landslide elections depending on how you define it. That means that 4 out of every 5 elections were landslides in which one candidate completely crushed the other sometimes getting 500 electoral votes. In the 21st century the greatest difference in electoral votes was 192. In "Crossfire: The great divide - red vs. blue states (part1/3) they argue over the minimum wage. The minimum wage is an argument over Laissez-Faire. Laissez-Faire in English translates to let (people) do (as they choose) in policy it is a government where it interferes as little as it can letting things take their own course. It's usually associated with the a freer less regulated market lower taxes, and more industries in the private sector. They argue over the practicality of the minimum wage and if it encroaches on the rights of the business owner to much. the argument is if the government is supposed to be limited than the minimum wage is an overstepping of the governments authority. The minimum wage is a large topic in America showing one of its divides. At the end of the 2016 election Donald Trump won before this his side had been saying the election was rigged and unfair, at the end those apposing him started the Not My President, they protested his victory and stated they would never accept him as their leader. Neither sides would be content with the outcome unless they would be the victors. This goes against another one of the five ideas agreed upon in the American Culture, Populism. Populism is the concern for the ordinary people. On both sides neither cared about the ordinary peope they both only cared about winning. Another divide is along moral lines, in David Brooks "One Nation, Slightly Divisible" He says that " America is divided between two moral systems". In religion regarding the 2000 election 59% of those who attended religious services weekly voted for bush 39% voted for Gore. 56% of those who don't attend religious services weekly voted for Gore and 39% voted for Bush
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