The US now is considered more divided then it would be united. The country is based on debating to make the country as good as it can possibly be but now our country is not one whole debating with people in the same group it is now the red vs the blue, the conservatives vs the liberals, and the republicans vs the democrats. This is shown in the article One Nation, Slightly Divisible written by David Brooks. Americas political culture as a whole is more conflictual then consensual. The conservatives in the article are show as more overweight, uneducated, farmers that live in the south and the liberals are shown as lean, highly educated, business workers that live more northern. The reason there could be such a divide in the 2 different beliefs of these people could be the differences in the ways they could have been raised. In the article the red is more self reliant and religious where the blue is more self nurturing and less religious. This could lead to different opinions on things that say the religion would not allow like abortion. The reason that having 2 huge factions like this in America could be biased views. In many cases people from each side will look at each other with a hatred right off the bat and may not truly be able to head the words that they are saying and consider that is some cases the other side could be right. Having these different views and stubbornness towards these views that we will never compromise but rather argue until you get the way you want with no in between. This divide between people would make it very hard to effectively govern a country as well. If the higher ups make a move one side does not support that is a large chunk of the population that is now against the governing body as a whole. On top of all of this there is the problem with the Red and Blue state maps as shown by the Vice News video about the topic. It shows how one the entire country is so widely split that making the wrong move will literally get have of the geographic country against you and two how those same maps could be misleading to the people. Looking at the map people may get angry that the certain candidate will be winning all over the country where in reality that area could how next to know electoral college votes. This could lead to one side hating the people and policies of the other state because they voted against their beliefs. This could create more biased turmoil in the nation leading to no decision making being made. This is why the US is is more conflictual then consensual.
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