American political culture can be describes as consensual rather than conflictual. A consensual political culture is one where the people may disagree on some issues, but generally tend to agree on things. A conflictual political culture is the opposite, where people tend to disagree on things, divisions and political subcultures tend to form. And while there are examples of both in our nation, American more resembles a consensual political culture than a conflictual. In the video, "Donald Trump Victory Speech" President trump describes his presidential following as "a movement compromised of people from all races, religions, and beliefs". This very closely follows what a consensual political culture is all about, people who are starkly different from one another, coming together and agreeing on who would be the president of our country. While id does bring up some good points saying otherwise, the article, "One Nation, Slightly Divisible" by David Brooks, also has solid evidence towards America having a consensual political culture. In the article it states, "Seventy percent of the people in Blue states and 77 percent of people in Red states agreed that 'too many children are being raised in day-care centers these days.' These are small gaps". Regardless of if these people come from red or blue states, they still have overwhelmingly similar views to some situations, dispite being made out to be so different from one another. The gap between these numbers is only 7% which, if you think about it, really isn't that much.

This quote from former president Barack Obama, also shows that america has a consensual political culture rather than a conflictual one. What he is trying to get across here is, that saying that there are "red" and "blue" states are just labels. And that really, at the end of the day, we are all apart of the same country, not divided, but whole. Even though we may have differing options on some matters, when it boils down to it, we are all Americans the same.
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