Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and democratic socialism

When democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez decided to run for Congress in New York's 14th district, no one expected her to win the nomination. Only one year prior, she was a bartender at her local bar. With little political experience under her belt, she has big plans and a vision for a "better, Socialist future." What exactly is democratic socialism? Well according to the Democratic Socialists of America, they are a non profit organization who, "reject an economic order based on private profit, alienated labor, gross inequalities of wealth and power." The DSA have their own constitution that they abide by, along with 14 articles ranging from their purpose to their amendments. Image result for democratic socialism

Ocasio-Cortez has been under fire from both the Democratic and Republican party. She has made comments seen by many as absurd or down right disrespectful. In an interview with PBS's "Firing Line," Ocasio-Cortez has denounced Israel for its "occupation of Palestine." She has also called Israel's killing of members of the terrorist groups Hamas a "massacre". Another reason why she is controversial is the fact that on the same interview with PBS was when she was asked about the low unemployment rate, her response was that, "because everyone has two jobs," even though having multiple jobs does not affect the unemployment rate. She has faced backlash from both sides of the political spectrum, but many younger voters see a future in democratic socialism.

Could democratic socialism bring a breath of fresh air into American politics if done correctly? Many see it as a nuisance and a threat to American life and wealth. With midterm elections coming up, it will be interesting to see what happens.

Questions for Discussion:
1. Would you support a democratic socialist candidate? Why?
2. Would you become a democratic socialist yourself?
3. Do you think that there will be a new socialist political movement in America?
4.  What are some other arguments against democratic socialism and socialism as a whole?


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