Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Water on Mars? Water discovered in underground lake on Mars

Image result for water found on mars
Early on today, Researchers using the radar data from the European space craft "Mars Express" they have found a 12.5 miles long possible underground lake underneath the Martian Polar Ice caps.
(Where the possible water was found)
Cassie Stuurman, a geophysicist at the University of Texas, said that “if these researchers are right, this is the first time we’ve found evidence of a large water body on Mars." Meaning that this latest discovery could be the final piece to the puzzle of what kind of planet Mars was billions of years ago and how it changed from a possible similar planet to our earth to the planet that it is today.

From what researchers can gather from the scans already taken,the possible underground lake is similar to that of lakes found beneath the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets on Earth, which was also detected using radar scans.
Image result for water found on mars
(A radar scan of the possible lake)
 The reason that its possible and not certain to if the scans taken are of an underground lake  is due to researchers saying its to early to fully decide if the radar scans produced are actual water and not just remnants of water that could have been their billions of years ago. If these results are confirmed to be true then this will either prove or disprove the question scientists and researchers have been trying yo figure out for years. Is their or was their life on Mars?
This has been a question that has neither been confirmed or denied by the scientific community ever since the discovery of Mars and the speculations of how it was in the past. But researchers can not yet confirm yet if the possible lake could help living life forms on Mars survive. So for now with the research gathered for now and comparing it to previous exploits of Mars prior to this discovery, Scientists and Researchers can compare some of earth's strikingly similarities to Mar's frost climate and see that if life can live on the climates on earth then their is the chance that life could also live on Mars.

But what do you guys think? Do you think that soon or even decade from now that life could be found on Mars?
or that even in the future their could be more forms of water sources found on Mars? I personally find these as a first step towards finding alien life forms or even new organisms in space that scientists can use to further the studies of space and the planets past's.

Article links on the water found on Mars:

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