Friday, July 27, 2018

Trump banning CNN reporter!

     At an open press event, there were many news channels there asking a variety of questions. CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins asked a the president few questions about Michael Cohen like “Did Michael Cohen betray you?” and “Mr. President, are you worried about what Michael Cohen is going to say to prosecutors?”. These are valid questions that aren’t going past limits in any way so they should be able to be answered. However, when she asked these questions, she got barred from attending a rose garden press event.
     President Trump has said that the CNN press is “fake news” and that they are the enemy for spreading that “fake news”. So it is very surprising when Fox New’s anchor Bret Baier (President Trumps favorite news channel) defended CNN (President Trumps least favorite news channel) when they said,
     “Just because the White House is uncomfortable with a question regarding the news of the day doesn’t mean the question isn’t relevant and shouldn’t be asked. The decision to bar a member of the press is retaliatory in nature and not indicative of an open and free press. We demand better. As a member of the White House press pool, Fox stands firmly with CNN on this issue of access”. Finally the press stands together again.
     In 2009, the Obama administration wanted to ban Fox News from an interview with a treasure official but all the other news channels and the press came together and basically said that they get all the press or the get none, they don’t get to pick and chose and ban some while others are still allowed to ask relevant and valid questions. Since then (or at least since Trump came to power) the press hasn’t worked together to keep their freedom and ask be able to ask whatever questions. But finally now, the press has come together and Fox News stood up for not only CNN’s right of speech, but for the right that the any of the press should get to ask any questions and they shouldn’t be banned from an open press event where they are allowed to ask the questions that they want to ask.
     It is a reporters job to go to these events and ask questions that the people of the country want to know. They shouldn’t be barred or banned from these open events. Freedoms of speech is still a valid right that the people have so why shouldn’t they be able to ask the questions that they want without being shut down just because the president doesn’t like the question.
     Unfortunately, president Trump has already profited from the immature statement that CNN was “fake news” but there is nothing we can do about know but just hope it doesn’t happen again and hope more events occur where the press stands up for eachother and works together.

Link to opinion article on the situation:

Link to a non opinion article on the situation:

Do you think it’s okay for president Trump to ban a press reporter just because he didn’t like the question?
Should the other news stations stand up for CNN and fight for their freedom of speech?
What do you think the press should do if they banned CNN’s reporter?

1 comment:

  1. I feel that Donald Trump banning a reporter for asking a simple question is just over dramatic. The excuse that a question being asked by CNN is not worth answering because they are "fake news" is not a true reason. Any other popular news business could have asked the same question and Trump would have probably given then some sort of an answer but for CNN, he just banned them and didn't even bother attempting to answer. I feel that even if news stations are in competition with each other, they should all stand up for CNN because this is unfair treatment. The press should make this a big thing and prove to Trump that this is n't right and he made a mistake.


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