Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Trump, Mueller, and Putin: No Puppet, You're the Puppet?

Image result for trump russia scandal gif

Collusion - the secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.

As I'm sure many of you have heard, there has been quite a lot of speculation and reporting about possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government during the 2016 presidential election. The story, which began during the campaign and intensified after Trump's historic and shocking victory, has gained more attention of late. The short version of the story goes something like this...

President Trump and his campaign staff have been accused of working cooperatively with the Russian government to win the 2016 presidential election. This cooperation includes Russian hackers hacking the Democratic National Committee's email servers to find "dirt" on the Clinton campaign, publishing emails on Wikileaks, giving sensitive information to the Trump campaign, as well as propagating "fake" news (not the kind President Trump tweets about) on social media websites like Facebook in order to sway voters to vote for Trump. This cooperation also includes Trump campaign staffers Paul Manafort (former campaign manager), Jared Kushner (Trump's son-in-law and White House adviser with top level security clearance), Mike Flynn (Trump's former National Security Adviser), Jeff Sessions (Trump's Attorney General), and Donald Trump Jr. meeting with and having conversations with Russian ambassadors and official government lawyers about campaign strategy and US economic sanctions on Russia.

All of the above are facts that are indisputable and accepted by both Trump's supporters and opponents. The real question behind all of this is, did Trump or his campaign staff collude with the Russian government to win the election?

If the answer is yes, then it is unprecedented in American history and very illegal. It would mean the current president of the United States worked with a foreign government (one of our biggest enemies) in order to win a democratic election in this country. The repercussions for the president and the country would be historic and would most likely end with impeachment. So...obviously this is an incredibly big story and one that had a lot of smoke (reporting that speculated about wrongdoing) and little fire (actual wrongdoing) until recently. 

Enter Robert Mueller.

On Friday July 13th Special Counsel and head of the Russia Election Hacking Investigation Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian agents on multiple accounts of election and intelligence based crimes. These indictments confirm that:
  • The Russian government was behind the attack on the 2016 election, despite Russian President Vladimir Putin’s consistent denials.
  • The online pseudonyms Guccifer 2.0 and DCLeaks, which disseminated the emails, were created by these Russian hackers.
  • A “person who was in regular contact with senior members of the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump” communicated with Guccifer 2.0. This person is widely believed to be longtime Trump political adviser Roger Stone.
 The indictments reveal that:
  • Late on July 27, 2016 the Russian conspirators attempted “for the first time” to hack Hillary Clinton’s personal email—the same day that Trump infamously looked into TV cameras and said, “Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 [Clinton] emails that are missing.”
  • The hackers accessed the registration information of 500,000 voters and DNC analytics—analytics that would have given the Trump campaign a big leg-up in the election, though the indictment does not say what the hackers did with them. 
To add to all this President Trump met with Russian Vladimir Putin on Monday and made shocking remarks at a press conference with the Russian leader. In the press conference President Trump:
  • refused to support U.S. intelligence reports insteading siding with and defending Putin 
  • Blamed the United States (his own country!) for strained relations with Russia
  • Attacked Hillary Clinton, and called the Mueller investigation a "which hunt". 
President Trump's remarks were so shocking that they earned loud criticism from both Democrats and Republicans alike, and made even made some critics start to wonder out loud if the President of the United States had committed treason.

Jeff Flake is Republican Senator from Arizona and critic of President Trump
I'm sure to many of you this sounds complicated and maybe even a big "nothing burger" (as some Trump supporters have said), so I have posted some articles below that hopefully will help explain the story, it's accusations, and it's implications.

New York Times podcast "The Daily":
Scroll down until you find this episode title and click play to listen

Why Believing Putin Will Be Hard This Time - excellent breakdown of the Mueller investigation
Trump Sides With Putin - excellent breakdown of Trump's press conference

Articles on the Russia Scandal:
The Russia Scandal Timeline - from The Washington Post
Special counsel Mueller charges 12 Russian intelligence officers with hacking Democrats during 2016 election - From
The Mueller Investigation Keeps Growing Fast - from
Trump defends Putin from claims of election interference - from CBS News

Links on the Russia Scandal's Implications for the President and the Country:
What Is Collusion? Is It Even a Crime? - from Politico 
What Happens If The Election Was A Fraud? The Constitution Doesn’t Say. - from 
Americans Know Where They Stand On The Mueller Investigation - from 
The Moscow Midterms: How Russia could steal our next election - from
Will Donald Trump Be Impeached? - from (older article, but a great look at the factors that determine impeachment)

Questions for Discussion:
  1. Based on the Russian Scandal timeline, is it likely the Trump campaign colluded with Russia?
  2. Has the Mueller investigation found enough evidence to impeach President Trump? Explain.
  3. Should President Trump be impeached? Explain.
  4. Are President Trump's comments during the Putin press conference treasonous?
  5. Should Congress take action against Russia if President Trump refuses to?
  6. Is this story a "big nothing burger" as some Trump supporters have said?
  7. Is the media spending too much time on this story or is it the most important political story right now?
When writing your response don't feel like you need to answer all of these questions. Instead, focus on the ones you are most interested in writing about and respond to those. If you are confused please feel free to email me, or to ask questions to each other in your posts!


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  1. While listening to the podcast "Why Believing Putin Will Be Hard this Time" it brought out an interesting point. There has been evidence that some Russian hackers were involved, but is there anything that specifically shows that Trump had anything to do with it. Although it seems more than a coincidence that Trump had spoken publicly that he hopes that the Russians find dirt on Clinton, it does not give a real indication that Trump has conspired with President Putin or any hackers in that country. Without enough evidence confirming that Trump was involved then there is no reason to impeach him at this moment. Trump should not and cannot be impeached until further investigation and evidence is provide. Based on the Constitution the President will be impeached by doing the following: treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. This continues to be a huge part of politics at the moment because it is the fate of our own leader. If he has committed treason until now then what else could have been hidden in his acts of the election and now in office? Although, they do not have evidence on President Trump should they continue the investigation more on him or just on the Russian agents that hacked the elections in the first place?

  2. In the podcast "Why Believing Putin Will Be Hard This Time" the thought that came to me was that if people are blaming Putin and the Russian hackers, but even if it was hacked from Russia that does not necessarily mean that Putin is the one to blame. He could have had nothing to do with it but yet since he is the president people automatically blame him. Also that doesn't say anything about Trump being involved, yes he did so some things that may lead to the conclusion that he may have been involved but I don't feel you can completely assume he was involved with the amount of information they have. As Jalynn Maia said, that it seems like a coincidence that Trump spoke about Russia finding dirt on Clinton, it does not give enough proof that trump was involved. I completely agree with Jalynn in that statement, people who dislike Trump immediately assume Trump is involved and that the election is a scam. But what if it is true? What's the plan? If Donald Trump did work with Putin to hack the election of 2016, what do we, as America, do then? Does Trump get forced out of presidency and we try to find somebody new. That can't happen Article II of the constitution states that having another presidential election before the term is up is not allowed. So how would the world truly react to this, if it were to be true. So even though it is not truly confirmed that Trump messed with the election, I feel that they should continue to dig deeper and find more evidence. The United States deserves to be led by the best leader and if finding out what really happened helps that happen then, thats what needs to be done.

    1. You bring up some great questions and even used the actual Constitution for support! Well done!

  3. In the timeline it shows that Trump colluded with Russia which made Clinton loose. I feel that this argument is wrong and that this did not happen. But according to the article “U.S. intelligence agencies had sourcing deep inside the Russian government capturing Putin’s direct instructions in the operation to damage Clinton’s chances of winning and help elect Trump. The intelligence on Putin was extraordinary on multiple levels, including as a feat of espionage”. Which shows that there was some connections But on the other hand Trump states in the podcast “Trump sides with Putin” that “Just to say it one time again and I say it all the time there was no collision. I didn’t know the president there was nobody to collude with...” In the article the Mueller investigation keeps growing fast is about how there are people who have been charged guilty for helping Trump win the election and five U.S. people have charges against them. But Trump cannot be impeached because investigators say “we still don’t know whether members of the Trump campaign committed a crime by seeking or using the documents stolen by the Russians.” I also feel that Trump should not be impeached because he has nothing to be held against him. Also the investigators don’t have enough evidence. So should the United States still be involved in this or should only Russia since they were the ones that hacked into this election? Lastly I feel that the media is spending to much timeon this case and that they should move away from Trump. And focus on major topics. But at the same time I feel they have nothing important to talk about other than this case and that they want to get attention causing many feelings about what is happening.

    1. "I feel that the media is spending to much timeon this case and that they should move away from Trump. And focus on major topics." Be careful here, a foreign country intervening in our election to change the outcome is more important than just about any other topic. It undermines our very system of government and makes the decisions made by those we elected suspect because it casts doubt on whether or not we elected them in the first place.

  4. Trumps campaign has been a mess of gossip and "fake news" but I believe that this situation is very real and requires immediate prosecution. in the podcast "trump sides with Putin" Julie Hirschfeld Davis says, "our relationship with Russia has never been better thanks to US foolishness." this is of course changed now that Trump and Putin are friendly and meeting with each other. It is rightful of the American people to be suspicious of Trump defending Putin over his country. If it turns out that trump committed acts of campaign fraud with the help of Putin, Trump should be punished like any normal citizen, with immediate consequences to his run in office. In the article, "What is collusion? is it even a crime?" it is said, "Recently Donald Trump Jr. admitted that he met with a Russian attorney to obtain damaging information about Hillary Clinton." to me, this is enough for a suspension of some powers until the investigation is complete. We need someone in office we can trust, and if Russia did, in fact, mess with the 2016 election, then we don't really know what the American people wanted.

  5. In the images it shows that trump had Russias help in defeating Hillary Clinton in the election, but i dont believe he did. I don't think the evidence is strong enough prove anything. I do not believe president trump should be impeached because even if he is convicted of getting help from russia there were most likely many presidents in the past that commited similiar actions. I don't think congress should do anything to Russia and let are smart and intelligent president deal with them. I think these accusation are all false and are not that big of a deal in the long run. I believe the media should spend there time do better things then trying accuse our president of false things.

    1. Jake,
      You need to read the articles and listen to the podcast not just look at the images I include in the post. The articles and the podcasts are the real sources of news and evidence that you should use to form your opinion on the Russia investigation.

  6. Based on the podcast "Why Believing Putin Will Be Hard This Time" it says that there were Russians involved in the hacking. Trump and Putin have built a better relationship, so I don't see why he wouldn't be behind the incident of Russian hackers trying to get into Clinton's private email. Although this makes sense, there is no actual evidence that the elected president has any ties to this, and therefore he cannot be impeached for it. If investigators get solid evidence, then Trump should be prosecuted and punished accordingly. I believe that this story is wort everyone's time, mainly because this effects our community as a whole, and by this happening other countries can now target us for it. I believe that it is a possibility that Trump was behind this, and if evidence is found he should be impeached.

    1. Sadie,
      You need to provide some actual evidence from the podcast for support. Also, since you are echoing comments made from your classmates in previous comments you should reference them too, or try to come up with something more original to contribute to the discussion.

  7. After listening to the podcast "Why Believing Putin Will Be Hard This Time" They have spoken about evidence that showed some Russian hackers were involved in president Trumps campaign and election, but is there anything that specifically shows that Trump had anything to do with it. People cannot go off of assumptions because assumptions are not proof to even try to impeach president Trump or anyone for that matter and for that reason he shouldn't and wouldn't be until redundant evidence is shown that Trump has committed any type of treason or crime. And with this being said i do not think that the media is focusing to much on this because we have the right to know who our leader really behind closed doors, so no, i think that the media is going good job in informing us and being on top of this whole situation.

  8. while listening to the podcast "Why believing Putin will be hard this time",it was clear that trumps involvement with the russian hacking of his election was nothing but suspicion. I think this because there is no clear cut evidence that proves trumps involvement in the hacking of hillary's emails.Although motive is relevant, i do not believe president trump had any involvement with this and do not believe he should be impeached all for suspicious acts and assumptions that he may have been involved in the hacking of hillary's emails. I also disagree of the fact that many trump supporters see this issue and story as a " Big nothing burger". i think this is a lot bigger then people are making it out to be, and the reason behind my thinking is because fake news is so prevalent today, almost anyone can be accused of anything with the littlest evidence or proof. all political opinions aside trump is known for saying and doing some shady things as i learned from the podcast "trump sides with putin", but should be impeached because of a simple suspicion and little evidence.

  9. In the podcast, "Why Believing Putin Will Be Hard This Time" Donald Trump believes that the Russians weren't the hackers. Putin states that the hackers could have been anyone and from anywhere. Not just specifically Russians. I do not think there is enough evidence for President Trump to be impeached, but if he says something the wrong way or makes a bad statement there is a possibility he can be impeached. President Trump has made an alliance with Putin and is on his side in this case. He is also the President of the United States which means he has to support his own country and not just Russia. I don't think this is the most important political story right now, but I do think it is good to inform others in the world that Russia could have had something to do with the election and how both President Trump and Putin are handling the situation.

  10. In "Why Believing Putin Will Be Hard this Time" podcast, Donald Trump is not in belief that Russia hacked the election. Evidence has been collected that some Russian hackers were involved. No specifics point to Trump. I don't think it would be fair to Donald Trump is he is to be impeached as there isn't enough evidence collected to prove Trump had anything to do with the election hacking. Although, evidence on President Trump is not a 100% clear, they should continue the investigation more on Russian agents and the situation as a whole. Putin and Donald both responded to the situation poorly, a president should dress the situation as it is & should not place blame on his/her own country. President Trump should have simply stated he had nothing to do with the hacking of the election and leave it at that. Trumps comments and actions are what creates suspense to our country about his true involvment in the election scam. Calling out to Russia to ask to find Hilary Clinton's missing emails, placing blame on the US and would not support the information from the US intelligence reports. This story is not a big brake through story because their isn't enough evidence to back this up. The media is spending to much time on this story. Yes, the United States should be updated as we learn more, but until further evidence is found, we need to be focused on more important stories like the flooding in Houston or the flying car attempt by BackFly.

    1. Jordyn,
      "The media is spending to much time on this story. Yes, the United States should be updated as we learn more, but until further evidence is found, we need to be focused on more important stories like the flooding in Houston or the flying car attempt by BackFly." Be careful here, while I agree those other stories are important, whether or not our democracy is functioning without inference from a foreign government is absolutely a topic of immense importance.

  11. In the podcast, it states that trump and Putin have had a meeting to talk about issues that need to be resolved and that Trump believes that the Russians didn’t hack and rig the election. The timeline shows some things that do show connections with Russia that could mean that they did hack into the system. Trump says that Putin said he was a genius but that statement was untrue. This shows that Trump has connections with Putin and maybe have talked about helping him out to win the election. They could have been in secret contact for a long time planning this out. If Putin and Trump are secretly friends and have planned Trump winning, this could benefit Putin with things like trade routes and other important things. Trump’s words during the Putin press conference were not treasonous it is just simply what he believes is true. Yes, maybe he went against his counties words but that doesn’t mean it was treasonous, it was just what he thinks is correct. Congress should not take action, they should just go by Trumps words unless they find clear evidence that the system was hacked into. This story is important because it could lead to a whole country being lied too or it could be an innocent and correct election.

  12. In the podcast, President Trump was pressured after it was found that Russian hackers were connected to the 2016 election. I believe that the russian hackers did not have a significant influence on the result of the election and that Putin should not be accused of being connected to it. The investigation does not have enough evidence because now reports say that it might not have even been Russian hackers at all, they could have been from anywhere. President Trump should not be impeached because there is not enough information to prove if he was connected to it or not. No, they should not because no one truly knows if Putin was involved or not and there is not enough information to prove if Russia did it. I think this story is a “Big Nothing Burger” because the election system must have a very high security protocol and I personally think that it would not have been possible for hackers to get into the system and affect the results. The media is spending too much time on this story and they should focus on other, more important things.

    1. Joe,
      "The investigation does not have enough evidence because now reports say that it might not have even been Russian hackers at all, they could have been from anywhere." Be careful, you cannot mention evidence like this and not tell us where it comes from. Evidence is only supportive if it's factual and we can;t check that unless we know where it comes from. Additionally saying, "because the election system must have a very high security protocol and I personally think that it would not have been possible for hackers to get into the system and affect the results" is fine, but you can't end there. You now need to go and find out what our security protocols are and how difficult/easy it would be to "hack" our elections. For example, check out this article:

  13. Shortly into the podcast "Trump Sides With Putin" Putin quickly shuts down the idea that Russia hacked the election and denies all accusations. Although this could all just be a "big nothing burger" and the media could just be trying to use Trump as a way to get attention. Now it is possible that Trump colluded with Russia but why would he want to take such a big risk, since is such a serious crime. Also as of now these are just rumors and accusations so President Trump should not be impeached, why would that happen anyway so quick with little evidence for such a big thing. In the CBS New article titled "Trump defends Putin from claims of election interference" Trump says that Putin's denial was very strong and powerful, so he feels confident in Putin. I think it is important to, as of right now, hold off on the impeachment conversations and let this entire thing play out because i'm sure Trump would not risk so much.

    1. Riley,
      You need to provide MUCH more analysis to defend and explain your position that "Now it is possible that Trump colluded with Russia but why would he want to take such a big risk, since is such a serious crime".

  14. In "The Russia Scandal Timeline", it shows that it could possibly be likely that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. The timeline said that Russia was accused of hacking the DNC databases to get information that could possibly damage Hillary Clinton's campaign. It was also accused that advisers of Trump have spoken, knowingly, with people associated with the Russian government. I don't think there is currently enough evidence to get Trump impeached. I also think the media is spending too much time on this story because at this point, there probably isn't much that can be done for it, and it's kind of like opening a can of worms.

  15. In the timeline it shows that the Russian hacking has occurred in previous presidential elections before the Trump elections. I do not think it is likely that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, however, I do think that Russia could have played a part in the election without Trump's knowledge. The Mueller investigation does not give enough evidence to impeach Trump because there is no concrete evidence, all it was was polls, which are essentially just people's opinions on the subject, which could be wrong and uneducated. Trump should not be impeached because there is not enough concrete evidence to rightfully impeach him. Most of the evidence is speculation and assumptions based on previous years. The only evidence they have is people's words, which are unreliable and can be corrupted. Innocent until proven guilty. Congress should not take action, there is no concrete evidence that Trump was in relation to the Russian hackers, therefore he still has the right to take action himself.

  16. In the article “Special counsel Mueller charges 12 Russian intelligence officers with hacking Democrats during 2016 election” it shows proof of some kind of interference with the election. This doesn’t mean that trump had anythign to do with it or Putin had anything to do with it. The attorney general, Rob Rosenstein, stated that “There is no allegation in the indictment that the Americans knew they were communicating with Russian intelligence officers." That proves that president Trump didn’t have anything to do with it or that he could have stopped it. At the summit, I liked the way it went. Trump didn’t falsely accuse anyone that could have started a conflict. If he tried accusing Putin and he had nothing to do with it, Putin would most likely be angry at that and make us their enemy. I think everyone would rather keep the peace then try to make a case out of something that isn’t true. Trump in my opinion could have done nothing better in this incident and he handled it well. Some may say that some people that know trump were in contact with Russia, however that doesn’t prove anything. It shows that Trump might have known someone that committed an act of treason but Trump had noting to do with it.

  17. This story could most definitely be defined as a big nothing burger as some have said, and the media spending so much time on it is only fanning the flame of accusation, not proof. The reports the U.S. and media are having to the little evidence that has been discovered is undermining Trump’s legitimacy and it is understandable why he had the reaction that he did at the summit, but he also had this reaction for other reasons as well. I agree with Jack and I too like the way the the summit went. Soon into the podcast, Trump Sides With Putin, it is noted that Trump said his “blame” on the U.S. was a political move. On the podcast, President Trump said, “I would rather take a political risk in pursuit of peace than to risk peace in pursuit of politics.” Trump’s aim for the summit was to not only address many world and political issues but to also make the relationship with Russia better. This could not have been done very successfully if Trump accused Russia of meddling in the 2016 presidental election unless more definitive proof was evident. Trump’s tweet in the morning, before the summit, emphasizes the Mueller investigation and U.S. foolishness placed a strain on the relationship, which I think politically is a smart move. This showed Putin that President Trump could see things his way and be very open minded publicly. This I would assume enabled a better conversation with Russia. If President Trump attacked Russia their conversation at the summit would most likley not have, “Went very well” or been a “Direct open deeply dialogue,” according to Trump in the podcast. But not attacking Putin at the summit regarding the accusaions concerning Russia and the 2016 presidential election has caused some serious repercussions for President Trump. The media is exploding with criticism due to Trump “defending” Russia. Granted, the President never said you’re innocent nor did he say you’re guilty. According to the article, Trump Defends Putin from Claims of Election Interference from CBS News, Trump said he “Holds both countries responsible.” Trump never placed these issues solely on one country, but rather held both parties accountable. Trump played it safe and is protecting his newly improved relationship with Russia but never directly said they’re innocent. Trump, in the CBS News article said, “I have confidence in both parties,” which is Putin’s word and his peoples word. I believe Trump sees this issue as until it is a proven fact that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election there is no reason to point fingers and damage new relationships while the problem is just a big nothing burger.

  18. Based on the Russian Scandal Timeline and the podcast,"Why Believing Putin Will Be Hard This Time".it can be claimed that Trump most likely colluded with the Russian government. Though Trump and Putin deny colluding with each other it can be assumed that their is a hidden relationship between each other. The podcast, "Why Believing Putin Will be Hard this Time" indicates that Muller's investigation undeniably found that 12 Russians conspired to interfere with the very election Trump was in. Within the podcast Muller says,"The inditement charges 12 Russian military officers, by name, for conspiring to interfere with the 2016 presidential election." This quote not only indicates that Russians tried to interfere and succeed somewhat in the 2016 election, but also reveals that the Russians were government officials, tying the crime to Putin. Moving on to the Russia Scandal timeline, it can be assumed that Trump has and is colluding with Putin. Within this document it is said,"Flynn, Kushner, and Kislyak meet at Trump Tower. Kushner proposes setting up a secret communication channel between transition officials and Moscow, according to intercepts of Russian communications." This quote indicates that Trump was trying to make contact with the Russian government because all persons in the quote were associated with Trump's campaign at the time. With all this evidence it seems like Trump should already be impeached, however there is no physical evidence of collusion between Trump and Putin. Despite this I believe that Trump should be impeached and will be impeached.

  19. Based on the Russian Scandal Timeline it is possible that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia but it is not offical. On the timeline marked June 9th it states, "The president’s son would reveal almost a year later that he agreed to meet with the lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, because she claimed to have potentially damaging information about Hillary Clinton and illegal campaign contributions to the DNC." This shows a known malicious intent to further succeed the trump campaign and degrade Clintons. But to further this, in the podcast by the Daily titled, "Why Believing Putin Will Be Hard This Time" the daily shows us a Trump speech where he states, "Russia if you're listening I hope you're able to find the thirty-thousand emails that are missing." The Daily states, "the Mueller indictment says that same day Russian hackers tried for the first time to break into the servers that were used by Mrs. Clinton's personal offices." This just feels like a very unusual coincidence. This would be really stupid if Trump actually intended for this to happen based on what he said publicly and in plain sight. I think Trump was trying to add a humorous effect/path to lead the conversation with and almost mimic what other parties think he is doing. The Mueller indictment can also be questioned as the Daily says from a Republican viewpoint, "We think that this whole Mueller investigation began in your brain and you're an anti-trump guy so why shouldn't be think the whole Mueller investigation is tainted by your bias." All this is not enough information to impeach Trump off of. This is nothing more than a conspiracy. We don't know if Trump had any active part in declining the success of Clinton's campaign or if the Mueller indictment is nothing more than a biased investigation. I do not however think this is a "big burger of nothing" like some of his supporters say. There is proven evidence that Donald Trump Jr did seek out and speak to a lawyer about crucial information that could ruin Clinton's campaign, so this all isn't just nothing. It can't be ignored but there needs to be further information before serious acts like impeachment can be finalized/decided on.


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