Friday, August 17, 2018

Geriatric Government? Why?

There are many problems in todays government, but one stands out. Most of our National and even local politicians are over 60. Politics do take a certain experience, but is that how we want our country being led? By people who are only thinking about their lifetime. people in office are often familiar with the issues the American people where focused on when they where just a working American, not a politician. What they don't notice is that what the people want has changed drastically, which is why we need, younger, more in-tune with this generation, politicians.I have linked an article below from Theodysseyonline that says, "[young politicians]think about the future, because it is their future too." I think this is a very good point to bring up, because most of our leaders don't share a future with us, their future is now. We as a generation, have a long future ahead of us and want a government that will last just as long. Millennial are often hushed and looked down on for being too lazy or have too many 'crazy' views, but we are not given enough credit for having to grow up in a world where economic and political unrest is the daily norm. We are no stranger to the harsh world but are ready to have our shot at fixing it. Many politicians are just holding onto their jobs and their office until the physically no longer can, but its time to pass the torch to a new generation and let us shape our own future. 

Articles for consideration 
The Odyssey Online- why we need younger politicians.
The Vox-We have a political problem no one wants to talk about: very old politicians

Questions for discussion.
1. Do you think older politicians are up to date with the everyday problems Americans face today?
2. Do you think younger politicians would put the needs of the working class first?
3. Do you think the problems we face today are tied back to the age of our leaders?
4. How do you think having younger leaders would benefit this country?


  1. This is a very interesting point I had never thought of. First off, I do believe that younger politicians would put the needs of the working class first. I do so because younger politicians will more so understand the issues and benefits of this generation. Older politicians are hogging the government, like the president and governors around the country. It would be a better idea to integrate all generations into the government, which means younger people. Younger leaders would benefit this country by presenting new ideologies because they are younger, grew up differently, and have a different view on life. Also, not just younger people should have a chance in the government. The people who govern us should be as diverse as us. Finally, I do believe there are a few problems we face today that are tied back to the age of our leaders. To be specific, the problems we face are having older people who govern us have problems they face that are tied to their old age. On, Harrold Pollack states in the article 'We have a political problem no one wants to talk about: very old politicians', "In one of the most dramatic moments in the Senate in years, 80-year-old John McCain rallied from surgery and a diagnosis of brain cancer to cast a 1 am vote that torpedoed Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare". Younger people are more fit and offer a new mindset. The government should not be trying to fix today, they should be trying to make a tomorrow.

  2. This is very good point i really never tjought about this that the older folks dont understand whats going on in the younger folks lifes and what they struggle. I dont think all of the older politcians are up to date with some of the problems with younger people. I think they should be learning more about the younger generation to make there decsion even better.


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