- Governor
- Lieutenant Governor
- Representative for the 5th Congressional District (Hey, that's our district!)
- Attorney General
- Treasurer
While, these positions may not seem all that glamorous, they are none the less important. Of these elections I am going to focus your attention on the race for Governor - a race that you may have been hearing more about lately.
The Connecticut governor's race has been garnering national headlines because it has become a very competitive race, and one that the Republican party thinks it has a chance to win. While this might not seem like a big deal to you, remember that Connecticut is a VERY Democratic state. For example, we haven't voted for a Republican Presidential candidate since George H.W. Bush in 1988, all 7 of our members of Congress are Democrats, the Democrats control the state legislature in Hartford, and the Governorship. However, it's the occupant of that last office, the Governor's office, that has caused problems for Connecticut Democrats - Dannel Malloy.
Governor Malloy has chosen not to run for re-election this year, and the reason is mostly because he has a 71% disapproval rate. Yes, you read that right - a 71% disapproval rate. Mr. Malloy is the second least popular governor in the country, and it is this unpopularity that gives the Republicans hope in November.
From Vox:
Despite the state’s heavy liberal lean, voters are deeply displeased with the floundering economic policies of current Gov. Dannel Malloy, and they could take out their frustration on the Democrats running to succeed him.Malloy took office in 2011 and promised to revitalize the state as it was still recovering from the financial crisis. Two terms later, much of what he pledged has been slow to materialize. Instead, Connecticut continues to face a roughly $2 billion deficit, even after tax hikes pushed through by Malloy and the Democratic-controlled legislature.Democrats should have a lot of advantages in the state, if not for Malloy’s deep unpopularity. Connecticut’s Democratic voters far outnumber its Republican ones. The state’s entire congressional delegation is blue. Plus, the same anti-Trump sentiment animating Democrats across the country can be found here too.As the Connecticut Mirror’s Mark Pazniokas wrote earlier this year, the gubernatorial fight boils down to whether the backlash against Trump will be enough to cancel out the dissatisfaction with Malloy.
So as you can see, the general election in November is sure to be a close race, and one that might result in a rare Republican win in Connecticut. Before that happens, however, the voters must choose the candidates who will fight it out to be elected governor in November, which is what today's primary elections are all about.
Who Wants to Be Connecticut’s Next Governor? - from The Hartford Courant
Primary election 2018: Connecticut's race for governor heats up - video from CBS News
Primary election 2018: Connecticut's race for governor heats up - video from CBS News
Candidates for Connecticut Governor Agree It’s the Economy, Stupid - from The New York Times
Establishment vs. Ex-con in Connecticut Democrats’s Gubernatorial Primary - from New York Magazine
Questions for Discussion:
- Do the Republicans have a chance to win the Governorship in November?
- Which Democratic candidate has the best chance to win the Governorship?
- Which Republican candidate has the best chance to win the Governorship?
- Which factor will play the biggest role in the outcome of the race: Malloy's unpopularity, Trump's unpopularity, or the Connecticut's poor economy?
Remember that your comment must use and analyze evidence from the articles to earn credit! Simply answering these questions using your own opinions without supporting them with evidence is not enough!
Connecticut has been known as a blue state for many years now... but maybe with a new Republican governor that will change. Dan Malloy is retiring and due to his unpopularity Connecticut voters will want a change, maybe even a change to a Republican governor. The majority of Connecticut does not like Governor Malloy because he had no idea how to take CT out of the 2 billion dollar diflict, and spent half a million dollars on two new statues for the state. He disagrees with what the majority of people in CT, blamed Aetna, the health insurance company that has been is CT since 1853, for leaving Hartford, and had cut school budgets all across CT. He is the 2nd most hated governor in America behind Chris Christie, and Malloy just can not handle criticism. Information from http://ctboom.com/dan-malloy-is-once-again-the-2nd-most-hated-governor-in-america/ . Here is a video of him talking back to a radio host when she calls him unlikable http://ctboom.com/radio-host-calls-governor-malloy-unlikable-live-on-air/ . After all this from a democrat, maybe Connecticut will want a switch. The ratio of democrat to republican candidates this year for governor is 2:5 which is a 40% chance of having another democrat as CT's Governor. Democrats in CT are favoring Ned Lamont for the office since he had won over Joe Lieberman years ago. Republicans however, are looking for a businessman just like our president. According to Vox, republicans are looking for Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton to be our new governor. After the election that had happened last night, for democrats, Ned Lamont was the highest voted over Joe Ganim, and for republicans, Bob Stefanowski had been above the rest of republicans. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/08/14/us/elections/results-connecticut-primary-elections.html . I believe that Malloy's unpopularity has been a huge impact into this election since he was voted the second most hated governor in America. If Connecticut people hated him that much, they would want a change for the state. After the election it appeared that the Democratic candidate still had more votes, yet the final governor will not be selected until November, and then we will see if Connecticut will have a Republican or Democrat leader.
ReplyDeleteThis election will definitely be a nail biter, but there is definitely a very good chance that Republicans will take a very rare win in Connecticut. As Vox explains in “Connecticut primary elections 2018: the crutial governors race, explained” even though Connecticut is known as a blue state, Malloy's job as governor has really decresed that votes for a Democratic governor since all the problems that Malloy promised to solve are still sticking around. The article also explains though that the anti-Trump mindset across not only Connecticut but the country persuades many voters to consider a Democratic governor again. Although Trump is giving Republicans a bad reputation, the Republicans still have a better chance to win. This is because many of the citizens with a burning hate for Trump are minorities and younger voters. Yet, these two groups tend to vote for the presidential elections instead of smaller not as popular elections like these. Also Trump is not a governor, Malloy is, so when voting it will be apparent that a Democratic governor did not work out to well last time, so most will think to vote for Republican this time. This is why Republicans have a big chance of winning, while Democrats on the other hand, do not.
ReplyDeleteAs said in an article by VOX titled, "The Connecticut govenor's race, a rare 2018 opening for Republicans explained" Connecticut has been a blue state for a while now, but recently with all the backlash towards Malloy things are about to change. In the two terms of Malloy (who told us his plan to revitalize Connecticut as it was struggling from financial crisis) as governor Connecticut has a rough $2 billion deficit. So one would imagine that Connecticut citizens would want a drastic change from this governor to the next. Which widens the chances that the state could incorporate a little red in office. The candidates most likely to win this governorship are Mark Boughton for Republican and Ned Lamont for Democrat. Ned Lamont is a strong canidate because of his distance from Malloy, as said by VOX. Lamont wants to make sure people distinguish him as more than just another Democrat like Malloy, he is constantly separating the two that share the Democratic title. He has also raised awareness to investing more in education and rolling back on the property taxes. People who want to keep Connecticut blue and try to change up the office are in favor to him. However those who want to drastically change the office in fear of another Malloy have taken favor of Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton, who has said he would ditch state income tax. Lamont and Boughton are two completely different people on two different sides of the spectrum. I definitely think Malloy's large unpopularity will take favor in this election. Voters want something new and different, and the Republican party offers exactly that. So despite Lamont's attempt to separate himself and Malloy will eventually fail because people of the state want to be assured things will go forward and far away from Malloy.
ReplyDeleteI believe the factors of Malloy’s unpopularity, Trump’s unpopularity, and Connecticut's poor economy will all play an important role in people’s decision in the vote for Governor. Connecticut’s economy is what it is right now mainly because of Malloy, Republicans will be fighting to change this and Democrats will want to make up for this as well. Either way, a change is needed and both candidates do provide that. Democratic candidate Ned Lamont has made it clear that he will not be Campaigning at all with Dannel Malloy, this will make Democratic Connecticut willing to vote for Lamont over Stefanowski. Lamont also plans to, “run against President Donald Trump as much as against his GOP gubernatorial opponent, Bob Stefanowski” (http://www.courant.com/politics/hc-pol-lamont-anti-trump-strategy-20180815-story.html#). This is where Trump’s unpopularity will be helpful to Lamont. On the other hand, there is a chance that people are so fed up with Malloy and the Democratic impact on Connecticut during Dannel Malloy's Governorship that they might turn to the Republican candidate instead, Bob Stefanowski. Looking at the big picture, the odds do not seem to be in Stefanowski’s favor as well as they are in Lamont’s. I believe the chance for a Republican candidate to win the Governorship election in November is slim, with Connecticut being a Democratic state, but there is still a chance.
ReplyDeleteConnecticut's new governor will be elected on November 6, 2018. Governor Dan Malloy (D) is not running for re-election so there is a lot of uncertainty as to how the people of CT are going to vote. As a result of the CT primary elections this week which can be seen published in the New York Times, (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/08/14/us/elections/results-connecticut-primary-elections.html), Democrat Ned Lamont and Republican Bob Stefanowski will be competing in November each hoping to become the new governor of Connecticut. Red can become the new color scheme come election day, though, and I'm not talking about Connecticut's budget deficit. Evidence shows that the Republicans could have a chance to win the governorship in CT. I say this with no hesitation based on several facts. Dan Malloy is a Democrat. He is known by many and disliked by most. Connecticut had a budget deficit when he took office in 2010 and now eight years later it still remains in the red at about $2 billion dollars despite his hard work and promises to revive Connecticut. In addition to this multibillion dollar budget deficit, Connecticut has numerous other issues like urban poverty, very high taxes Malloy and his legislation pushed through, and giant companies like GE leaving to other states. These are just some of the reasons why people just aren't happy with Governor Malloy's performance. They seem to put all the blame on him for Connecticut's problems as the 2018 Morning Consult poll shows. He is the second most unpopular governor in the country with a 71% disapproval rating. One can't rule out history, either. As the Vox article states, Connecticut voters have a history of voting in the other party after one has been in power which would mean pack your bags Democrats and get ready to work real hard Republican Bob Stefanowski. For these reasons many voters may feel they have had enough which could give Republicans a chance in November to win the Governorship in Connecticut. Now I said, "Could". I don't believe, however, a Republican governor will be elected in Connecticut. These are my reasons: 1) Both are proven businessmen and that's good, but what separates them is that Republican Stefanowski is not well known, the newcomer. Taking a chance on him could be risky and Connecticut voters don't want anything that's a risk at this point. They want results. Compare him to Democrat Lamont who I found out is a recurring political candidate and most well known for going against Joe Lieberman in the 2006 Democratic primary and winning. Since he is a proven businessman and not involved in a state government position, I would not let the fact that he and Malloy are both Democrats cause me not to vote for him. It is all about what is going to be best to get Connecticut out of the mess we are in.It's all about getting Connecticut to find its way back. It's all about Connecticut's poor economy and making it better for the people who choose to stay here. As the saying goes," the grass is not always greener on the other side". With Connecticut being a reliable blue state and registered Democrats in CT outnumbering Republicans 5 to 3, Democrats could see the light in November and come out to the polls in mass numbers along with many Independents and perhaps Republicans who will also see the light and vote for hopefully better days ahead in CT by voting for a Democrat. This will give Democrats the advantage over the Republicans.
ReplyDeleteArticles of Interest:
In the articles stated it has become clear that throughout all of the runner ups are all competent, have a good foundation,and all have been in prior elections and in political situations. But the something that they can all agree on, as stated in Candidates for connecticut agree its the Economy, stupid, that they feel that the main factor that will change and determine the elections will be on how each runner up will deal with Connecticut's money decline. Though Malloy's and Trump's less than favorable popularity is also a main factor in the elections outcome and who will be chosen, it is not the main subject of the elections outcome. In all case of this voters will more than likely be focusing on how any of these Runner ups can A. Fix the taxation problem, B. Creating more jobs instead of taking people away from them, and C. being able to finally at least start with restoring Connecticut's declining economy situation. Though many of the runner ups have stated in their campaigns before that they wish eliminate the income tax, one of the runner ups Mr. Lamont in the article Candidates for government... states that "“I’m running against people who say they’re going to eliminate the income tax. They will tell you what you want to hear. I’ll tell you the truth, but you’re not going to like it." This statement and many of his out truthful facts before are what make him the "outsider" of the other candidates. Since in many interviews and in this article has been known to have a very different outlook and path to follow than the other candidates. Unlike the other candidates for the election, who are more focused on one upping each other and saying what the people want to hear, Mr.Lament does not. He does not sugarcoat his words that of if he is chosen to be governor that he will change the income tax and unemployment rate immediately. He says in the article at the end,“I’m not going to solve it in a year and I’m not going to solve it in four years,” he said. “But we have to give people a sense of direction.” Meaning that he will not hid the fact that Connecticut is in a serious situation that cannot be fixed immediately. He says that he can give the people a start to it. Mr.Lamont does not promise that it will happen soon, he promises that it will happen eventually. So with this it is pretty obvious for me who I believe will be the best Democratic candidate. Not only does he look beyond this election of what he could do to start Connecticut's renewal, he also looks towards the important aspects of what needs to be done and not what has to be done by the new governor. Mr.Lamont says in an interview that “I will quickly make investments in community colleges so we can train people for the next generation of jobs,” he said. “And we have to fix our roads and we really have to fix our bridges.” And then he goes on to agreeing with the other candidates on how Connecticut needs to change back to it was before all of the economy went downhill and how it can be fixed with this quote. But even with this to support him on being a good democratic candidate, this does not mean that he will win. Due Mr.Malloy's negative viewings as well as being a Democrat and Donald Trump's foundation in being a Republican and giving the republican party even more power, their is less likely for voters to choose a Democratic governor after all the events caused by these two people. But despite that, since Connecticut has always been a blue state and still greatly favors Democrats over Republicans, it is safe to say that anyone can win this election. Being either a Democrat or a Republican will just be what factors in at the end of the election.
ReplyDeleteAlthough Connecticut is a democratic state I feel that the republicans have a chance to win this election. I feel this because there are more of them running. But also because according to the vox people “displeased with the floundering economic policies of current Gov. Dannel Malloy, and they could take out their frustration on the Democrats running to succeed him.” I feel the Democratic candidate that is most likely to win is Ned Lamont because he “ went on to lose the general election to Lieberman, who ran as an independent. Lamot ran for governor in 2010 but lost to Dannel P. Malloy.” Therefore he already has political knowledge. But also because the other candidate running against him was in prison. The republican candidate that I feel has the best chance of winning is Mark Boughton. I feel this way because he was a state representative but also because according to the vox he was “ first elected mayor of the Hat City in 2001 and is currently serving his ninth consecutive term.” So he had knowledge on this and had been in politics for a while. I feel the biggest factor in this election is how Connecticut’s economy is doing bad. So who ever will help people will elect. I feel this way because according to the nytimes “ The state’s economy is in serious disrepair.“ they also mention that “Most folks on both sides don’t think Connecticut is working,” said Ned Lamont. By this I feel many will vote people to help the economy.
ReplyDeleteAs citizens of Connecticut grow weary of their defunct state, a new beginning is on the horizon; the election. We will be able to vote a new governor into office that has the chance to transform this state into what it once was many years ago. Although Connecticut is mostly democratic, the republicans believe they have a good chance of winning, which is true. According to "The New York Times", people are so unhappy with the state government that they may even consider voting for the opposite political party, just for a change. However, this feat is still somewhat of a long shot, as democrats outnumber republicans five to three. Now let's get into the front runners of both sides. The democrats have chosen Ned Lamont, who believes that "investing in transportation and training workers" will boost the states economy (The New York Times). The republicans have Bob Stefanowski, who won the primary in a stunning upset. He thinks that the state should do away with income tax in hopes that this will attract large businesses into the state. The two candidates have clashing ideas to lead the state out of its economic slump, but there is one factor that outweighs all the others; Connecticut's poor economy. It appears that the democrats in the past years have not helped the states' economy improve. The citizens are becoming increasingly desperate for change and a solution that may drive them to vote for someone else. "I think the public is ready for a change and ready for a Republican governor, so it really doesn’t matter" said Mr. Boughton, a republican candidate. One thing is for sure, all anyone wants is for a return to Connecticut's successful past and maybe one of these two can help us accomplish this.
ReplyDeleteI believe that republicans do have a better chance in winning the governorship this November because our current democratic governor has not fully done anything what he has promised to do since day 1. Because of this he has become very unpopular to many voters in Connecticut and not only has he become unpopular but he has also made the mindset of voters to change because he did not give what was promised. This also might cause citizens to try to take a new rout now that the Democratic Governer could not for fill what was promised. They might choose to try the Republicans to see change and hopefully in the way it was supposed to be while the governorship was under democrac governor. One more thing that might make the voters choose to vote for the republican candidate is because they see how much taxes have risen and they still see no change in the towns and the poor economy that Connecticut has today. All in all, I believe that the people will vote for what benefits them most but most importantly in the ones that they trust the most and a lot have lost trust in the democratic governorship and for that reason the Republican governorship has a better chance in winning in the November elections.
ReplyDeleteConnecticut has been known as a democratic state. The past election for governor, Dan Malloy was elected and is not running for governor this year due to his unpopularity. I think Republicans do have a chance of winning the Governorship because since a lot of people did not like Malloy and he was a Democrat, the people will give a Republican a chance. On the other hand, our President Donald Trump is not very popular and he is a Republican. This means that the vote can go either way for a Democrat or Republican. I think Ned Lamont will win the Democratic vote for Governorship because the other candidate running was sentenced to jail for 7 years and that does not look good on his part. I think Mark Boughton will win for the Republican Governorship because he is the most experienced candidate and a people person. I think it will be Malloy's unpopularity because in the past few years Malloy has made financial decisions that many residents of Connecticut disagree with, democrats included. In Connecticut everyone is looking for a change from Malloy which may sway voters, Democrat and Republican, to vote Republican.
ReplyDeleteThe 2018 Midterm Election in Connecticut is a particularly interesting one, for many differing reasons. Almost everyone knows that Connecticut is and has been a primarily liberal state for quite some time now. Our current Governor, (and former politician) Dannel P. Malloy, has run for 2 consecutive terms, and although many Liberals have voted him in, they are now upset with him and our failing economy and are looking for a solution. Malloy is now retiring from the position leaving many to wonder, will the next gubernatorial candidate be Republican, Or Democratic? Of course, there’s always a chance for both parties to succeed, but in CT’s heavily Democratic atmosphere, it is usually unlikely for Conservatives to get their way. But have times changed? In the CBS News video, Ebong Udoma states that “the President is very unpopular in Connecticut...and that will be a problem for the Republican candidate” although the President may not be the most liked in Connecticut, that does not reflect off of all the Republican candidates individually, each one is different. Plus there are many new millennial voters. Democratic voters in Connecticut may decide to turn to Republican candidates seeing as our current democratic Governor has damaged the economy and is not favored in the public eye. Out of the two Liberal candidates running, it seems Ned Lamont is the preferred out of the pair. The reasoning behind this leads to his promises to “roll back the hefty property taxes” and his strong dislike of Malloy (Zhou, The CT Governor’s Race…). Plus Lamont has an advantage due to his opponents “seven-year prison sentence...for corruption charges”, it does not seem likely for Ganim’s success (Hartford Courant, Who Wants to Be CT’s Next Governor?). In the GOP bunch of runner’s, the seemingly fit “nine-term” Mayor of Danbury Mark Boughton “wants to phase out the income tax all together”, and of course, this seems promising, but competitor, Bob Stefanowski, claims to do not only the same, but also to “eliminate the gift and estate taxes” he also “favors a constitutional amendment requiring a 60-percent supermajority to increase taxes or fees” (Hartford Courant, Who Wants to Be CT’s Next Governor). Essentially, the guys not big on politicians and raised taxes. Which gives him an advantage over Boughton since he promises more on lowering taxes, and conservatives are not big on high taxes. (Yes I know Lamont and Stefanowski are the two leading candidates but I included them for the sake of argument). Governor Malloy has failed to support Connecticut based businesses, which SHOULD help our economy run, but with his lack of efforts, has drawn many away leaving Malloy to blame for our poor economy. Thanks to him we have “the worst economy in the Northeast” (RGA, Failed Governor Dan Malloy’s Anti-Jobs Policies Continue To Drag Down Connecticut’s Economy). So really, Malloy’s unpopularity AND Connecticut’s poor economy are both major roles in the outcome of the race. President Trump may be unpopular in this Liberal state, but his influence does not directly affect our economic state, in fact the U.S. economy is improving under his presidency. Overall, the November election will be a exciting one and I am curious to see the outcome.
ReplyDeleteIn the general election in November between Ned Lamont and Bob Stefanowski, both successful businessmen without experience as political leaders, the Republicans have a reasonable chance to win the Governorship. Ned Lamont, who has the Democratic endorsement for Governor and won in the primary elections on August 14th, has stated that “most folks on both sides don’t think Connecticut is working.” (Candidates for CT Governor Argue It’s the Economy, Stupid, New York TImes) Lamont suggests that he is running against people who plan to get rid of the income tax and tell voters what they want to hear. He promises to tell the voting public the truth even if it isn’t what the people like.
ReplyDelete(Candidates for CT Governor Argue It’s the Economy, Stupid, New York TImes) Bob Stefanowski, the Republican candidate, plans to phase out corporate and personal income taxes claiming to be a “turnaround guy” who can fix up messes. (Who Wants to be Connecticut’s Next Governor?, Hartford Courant) Even though this is Stefanowski’s first run for public office, I think his ideas will sound better to the people of Connecticut than Lamont’s.
Ned Lamont has the best chance to win the Governorship because voters are familiar with his face and name. He ran for Senator in 2006 as the Democratic candidate after he defeated Senator Joseph Lieberman in the CT Democratic primary. He went on to lose to Lieberman in the general election. (Lieberman ran as an independent) In 2010, voters saw Lamont’s face in campaign advertisements when he ran for governor but lost to current governor, Dannel Malloy. (Who Wants to be Connecticut’s Next Governor?, Hartford Courant) This could be Lamont’s year.
Leading up to the primary, I thought that Mark Boughton would make the best candidate for Governor. He has experience as Mayor for many years in Danbury and he was the Republican party’s nominee on the ballot. However, now that Bob Stefanowski has won the primary and voters clearly favor him over Boughton, I believe it is Stefanowski that has the best chance to win the Governorship. Like Boughton, Stefanowski favors eliminating the income tax in CT and he has received the support of President Trump in his recent personal tweets on social media. “It’s about time that Connecticut had a real and talented governor. Bob Stefanowski is the person needed to do the job.” (As The Campaign Between Stefanowski and Lamont Begins, They Can’t Stop Talking About Trump, Hartford Courant)
It is definitely true that Malloy’s unpopularity is an advantage for Republicans. It is equally clear that Trump is not popular in Connecticut, which would appear to an advantage for Democrats. In fact, Connecticut has consistently been a blue state. Even though registered Democrats in CT outnumber Republicans 5 to 3, negative economic growth, urban poverty and huge budget deficits require strong leadership to turn the state’s economy around. (Establishment vs. Ex-con in Connecticut Democrats’ Gubernatorial Primary, Daily Intelligencer) I think it is Connecticut’s poor economy that is going to play the biggest role in the outcome of the race for Governor. The candidate that can connect and bond with the voters best will need to communicate genuine concern and the ability to make things happen in government.
Connecticut is a democratic state. Our recent election for governor, Dan Malloy, will not be running for governor because he has not promised to do the things he says he will do. He also lost many followers because of this. I think republicans have a very good chance at winning because there are more of them and Donald Trump is a republican which will help the chances of winning. The election will be close but again I think the republicans will win. I think Ned Lamont will win the democratic vote because his other rival Joseph Ganim was sentenced to seven years in prison. His first run for governor was not good at all so this greatens the chances for Lamont. Ned Lamont wants to emphasize his business background along with support for raising the minimum wage and pay equity in the workplace. Many people who have minimum wage paying jobs will love this. They will earn more money and also this might keep people from quitting their jobs because of low income. Lamont has a very good chance at winning. I think Mark Boughton will win republican because he already has some popularity and will quickly gain more. He wants the roads, schools, and workplace the be safe and also give the kids better and more education. He is also a great peoples person so he will be good with communicating with other for what he wants. I think it will be Malloy’s unpopularity because for the past years he has made some bad decisions, financially wise, and the people didnt like it. The election will be close but I think he republicans will win it.
ReplyDeleteBased on the things that Governer Malloy has done to the state, I think that the Democrats have a legitimate chance of winning the election. There are definitely more republicans running for Governer this election, so they have a good chance of winning. I think that Ned Lamont will win for the Democrats because he has run for Governer before and has experience. I think mark Boughton will win for the republicans because this is his 3rd time running for Governer, so he has a lot of experience also. I think the most relevant roles in the election are Malloy’s unpopularity, and Connecticut’s economy. People might not want a Democrat after not liking Malloy, and will want a republican for thinking that he can solve the financial problems. People are worried about the economy because we have 2 billion dollars in debt, and Malloy’s decisions causes taxes to go way up.
ReplyDeleteThe republicans have a chance in the election because many citizens are dissatisfied with democrat Dan Malloy's actions.This could cause some traditional democrats to vote republican in order for a change. According to "The New York Times", people are so unhappy with the state government that they may even consider voting for the opposite political party, just for a change. Ned Lamont has the best chance as a democratic candidate because he has run for governor before in 2010 and has had conservative views before. With this past experience and some conservative policies he will get votes from both democrats and republicans.Bob Stefanowski has the best chance for a republican because he is all in favor of elimininating taxes and has had success before getting out of tough situations.If Bob were to be elected he would do an effective job of chipping away at the state's debt.I think Connecticut's poor economy will play the largest role in the election. The reasoning behind this is everyone wants as much money as they can keep for themselves,regardless of their political party. The motivation for more money will drive the citizens to whoever seems the most apt at getting us out of debt and lowering taxes.
ReplyDeleteConnecticut has been a blue state for a while now but things have changed up recently. Malloy, who severed 2 terms as the governor Connecticut has a rough $2 billion deficit. The people are so unhappy with the state government that they might possibly consider voting for the opposite political party. Ned Lamont is a potential candidate. Lamont is far from Malloy. He wants to be known as more than just a Democrat. Ned Lamont promotes settling back on our property taxes. He also promotes more awareness on being more invested in education. Connecticut is a blue state and registers democrats outnumbering republicans 5 to 3. Democrats will take advantage over the Republicans. People who would like to see and keep Connecticut blue and try to change up the office are in favor to him. I believe voters want something new and fresh. The number of Malloy's dislikes will take favor in this election. Voters want something new and different, and the Republican party offers exactly that.
ReplyDeleteThere is a chance Republicans can have a rare win in Connecticut, with all the backlash from Dan Malloy in the past people want a change. This strong dislike for Malloy can change the tide to a majority of people voting for a Republican, rather than a Democrat, As said in, "The Connecticut govenor's race, a rare 2018 opening for Republicans explained", an article by VOX. However, the New York Times', "Candidates for Connecticut Governor Agree It’s the Economy, Stupid" claims that anger directed at President Trump could tip the scales in favor of a Democratic governor. In addition, the ratio of registered Democrats to Republicans in Connecticut is 5 to 3 respectively. Putting both these points into consideration, the odds are more in favor for Democrats, but really it all comes down to the economy, and who plans to fix it best.
ReplyDeleteAlthough Connecticut has been a democratic state for many years now, the Republicans have a pretty good chance of winning the governor. First, looking at who wants the job of governor the majority are republican amounting a to 5 people while there are only 2 democrats. This gives republicans a slight boost. Besides that many citizens are dissatisfied with our recent governors not sticking to his promises. As brought out in the article "The Connecticut governor’s race, a rare 2018 opening for Republicans, explained", Mark Boughton may have the best chance of winning the election. Many citizens love to hear when candidates decide to take away income tax a little, but Mark will try to disintegrate it completely. On the other side, democrats may vote for Ned Lamont. He is willing to try and raise minimum wage. Many citizens cannot even get by on what minimum wage is right now so this may help his polls. Since our economy is still in a downfall after Malloy's 2 terms Connecticut may lean towards some change leading to the red side of the political parties. No matter which party wins there will be benefits and disadvantages.
ReplyDeleteEven though Connecticut has been a democratic state for many years, I believe the republicans can win the race for governor. According to the article New York Times, it states, “‘Most folks on both sides don’t think Connecticut is working,’ said Ned Lamont, who has the Democratic endorsement for governor.” Lamont is the only candidate left in the running on the democratic side, which means he has the best chance of winning for that side. Bob Stefanowski has the best chance of winning on the republican side. He promises to make many changes in our economy. Some of these changes include, get rid of income taxes, help smaller businesses, modernize our infrastructure, and more. Connecticut’s bad economy is a big factor in the outcome of the race. Whoever plans to make the best changes to the economy that will make Connecticut as best as possible, has a better chance of become the new governor.
ReplyDeleteConnecticut has been a democratic state for many years now, but there is always room for change. Even though the state is more towards the Democratic side many people are displeased with the governor's latest decisions and the way he has been running the states and people are upset with him for economic reasons too. Connecticut is seen to be in roughly a $2 billion deficit. A poll was taken and it showed that Malloy is one of the worst governors with a 71 percent disapproval rating. Malloy argues that that the tax increase has little effect on the tax deficit but also through businesses like General Electric out of the state. As you can see even though Connecticut is a very Democratic state the people of Connecticut are displeased by their last governor who is a Democrat which opens up a door for the Republicans to step into the seat and take the next role as Connecticut's governor.
ReplyDeleteYes republicans do have a chance to win the the governorship. In the wake of Dan Malloy Republicans can use the hate towards him as a tool to snatch the election out from the hands of democrats in a very blue state. Bob Stefanowski and Ned Lamont have the best chances to win as they are the nominees for both party’s. I think Connecticut’s poor economy will be the most dramatic influence on the election because it is a state election so state problems will have the most swat on voters
DeleteThe republicans do have a chance to win over the Connecticut Governorship because of how disapproved the last democratic governor was. The 71% disapproval rate might give the voters a slight hint at choosing a republican governor instead. Also, Connecticut's poor economy has a big factor in the election as well. Since the state has been decreasing its budgets almost everywhere, the people will mostly be looking for someone who can bring some money back to the economy. The state has been suffering from "negative economic growth, urban poverty, multibillion-dollar budget deficits and the flight of corporations to other states"(Foderaro). Anyone who can fix these problems is a good contender for the next governor of Connecticut.