For about four and a half months now, China and the United States have been throwing tariffs at each other. Trump does not seem at all inclined to back off on the tariffs, but China may be willing to come up with a mutual solution. Both countries will have about $50 billion on imports, but China proposed to raise this to $60 billion in response to the US's raise to $200 billion. For both countries this is two-fifths worth of exports, could this be a compromise? Trump is extremely confident that this trade war will be successful, and may not be ready to back down, but US farmers and workers continue struggle. The aid money provided by the government may help for a little while, but the prices of farmer's crops are decreasing, and soon they may be unable to provide for themselves and their families with such little money.

Discussion questions
Do you think Trump should stop or continue the trade war? Why?What is your opinion on what President Trump said in the tweet above?
What is your opinion of the political cartoon above?
A Farmer on Trump's Trade War: I Can't "Take it" - VideoWhy Donald Trump's Trade War Will Fail
Trump's Tariffs Are Changing Trade With China. Here Are 2 Emerging Endgames
"My current event post in July was about President Trump's aid for farmers and the trade war. $12 billion dollars were provided to farmers, mainly soybean farmers, dairy farmers, and pork producers, because they were being hit hard by tariffs from other countries. I wanted to follow up and see if the farmer's issues are resolving or worsening, and see how the trade war is progressing. " I love this, great idea!!