Thursday, August 23, 2018

Sanders says “He [Trump] did nothing wrong”

In 2016, there were rumored that Trump had affairs with two ladies of the names Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. They both claimed that they had affairs with president Donald Trump. Supposedly Michael Cohen (President Donald Trump’s former lawyer) paid both ladies so they would keep quiet about the affairs. He paid McDougal $150,000 and paid Daniels $130,000. Trump claimed that he did not know of the payments to the two ladies early on. But when he was asked the same question again alittle while later he said “Later on I knew. Later on”. So he then contradicts his claim before this when he said he didn’t know about any of the payments whatsoever. This began to make many suspicious of what he could be hiding. Many people think that he lied to America and all his people that he is supposed to be telling the truth to so we can trust him. But now because of him disagreeing with his own statements, it leads America into thinking that he lied.

When asked about this topic White House press secretary Sarah Sanders defended President Trump by saying Trump “did nothing wrong”. “As the president has said and we’ve stated many times, he did nothing wrong. There are no charges against him and we’ve commented on it extensively,” Sanders said, “Just because Michael Cohen made a plea deal, doesn’t implicate the president on anything”. Sanders was asked multiple other questions about the topic and continued to keep saying that Trump hadn’t done anything wrong and did not have anything else to say besides that.

When questions were asked about president Trump lying to all of America, she proceeded to say that those claims were “ridiculous” but didn’t have much proof on why it was so ridiculous. After this, she proceeded to keep saying that Trump “did nothing wrong” and that there were no charges against him. She doesn’t have much proof and backup on this. All she says is that the people’s claims of Trump lying were ridiculous and “we’ve addressed this many times”. She doesn’t have anything else to say besides those few statements to defend our president.

Articles on this topic:

1. Do you think that Trump lied about knowing about the payments?
2. Do your think it was suspicious that Trump knew nothing about the payments but then all the sudden he knew about them after the fact?
3. Is it valid for sanders to just say that Trump “did nothing wrong” without any other proof?

I did this topic because it interest me how Sarah Sanders did not have much proof on her side and only said simple statements over and over again.

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